Celebrating King’s College London associates, alumni and undergraduates.


Working in collaboration with Atelier Works, we provided the support in facilitating the site survey of Strand campus 90 metre frontage, planning application for Advertisement Consent, printed samples, full production and installation.

Digitally printing the Alumni graphics and applying directly to the glazing offered King’s College London a cot effective solution that allowed for a design that can be updated as frequently as King’s wished.

Since the implementation of the Alumni frieze at the Strand, we have provided the various updates when King’s College London requested, we have also assisted with turning a section of the frontage into a digital format; allowing for King’s College London to update their content on a daily basis and project news and important topics in research to students and passing pedestrians.

Due to the success of Strand Alumni frieze, King’s College London expanded and replicate their vision and promote a new set of Alumni on a much bigger canvas, the Virginia Woolf building, Kingsway, a five minute walk from the Strand.

Graphic Design — © Atelier Works
Work under the direction at — © Whybrow Pedrola
Photography — © Philip Sayer


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